
Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri, 2014


The work is typical of Berlinghieri’s production that sculptures or installations
capable of taking the viewer from the real world to the imaginary fairy-tale
world, such as that of animals, which he again interprets in such a way that
they themselves appear suspended between the fantastic and the sensational,exposing in his own way the ancient relationship between Art and Nature.


Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri


He was born in Florence on July 17, 1936. The debut of his artistic activity was
in 1968 and marked the end of an accelerated phase of research and selftaught  training with his first solo exhibition at the Galleria Inquadrature in
Florence, which was followed by about 80 solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Works by Poggiali find a place in public and private museum collections.
One of his self-portraits is part of the self-portrait collection of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.


In the 1980s, the staging of two major exhibitions, in ’88 at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara and in ’89 at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, marked two anthological moments in the artist’s activity. The 1990s, are characterized by the execution of numerous installations, documented by the monographic volume edited by Pierre Restany; Poggiali sculptures and installations 1969-1995 published by the Museo Civico di Taverna (CZ). In 1996, the installation “Symposium” at the Marino Marini Museum, sponsored by the City of Florence, is significant.


In 1997, he published by LoGisma the interactive multimedia work “Delfo,” a virtual picture gallery of more than 300 images of paintings, sculptures, installations and five videos, accompanied by original electronic music.


In 1999, in Piazza XXX Novembre in Sesto Fiorentino (FI), the Superintendent
of Artistic and Historical Heritage of Florence, Antonio Paolucci, inaugurated
the polychrome stainless steel “Pegasus” monument. In the new millennium is
a succession of important exhibitions and productions, including, in 2014,
Infinito, conceived and realized for ArteCerreta.